Time for Charlie to take on “The Maverick”! In the first of back-to-back episodes featuring Mike Strantz’s renowned South Strand designs, “The Big Timer” is at True Blue Golf Club’s par-4 18th hole. It’s one of the iconic finishing holes in Myrtle Beach golf, and Charlie’s ready to go low. Will he post a red number here?
Cancer knocked me down, but not out. Now, I’m cancer free. The recovery? It’s been tough. I’ll need patience, a lot of humor …
(You can only keep talent down for so long!)
… And support from friends and family. Over the last two years, I haven’t played much golf, but there’s no better place to get back in the game than on 66 courses in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We’re keeping score, but just teeing it up means I’ve already won!
(You’re not going to believe where this ball ended up!)
Join me on my journey to break par!
Ah, that blue roof, that’s a familiar sight! Let’s see if we can get there with a birdie on the card! You see what’s all the way up the left side, but be careful going right, too. If you hit it long downwind, you’ll go through the fairway here and your second shot goes to a green that slopes severely from right to left.
We’re in Pawleys Island, South Carolina at True Blue Golf Club. I absolutely love this design. Great example of Mike Strantz golf. He always had big, wide and fairways with a lot of strategy. Now, let me show you what we’re going to do here. That’s a clubhouse. By the way, they got great breakfast in there. See, there’s two chimneys on that clubhouse, one on the left, one on the right. If you hit it, the one on the right, you’re going to be absolutely perfect. Look at there. Chimney on the right. Chimney on the right. I pulled that like six inches. Six inches, I pulled it. Man, I peered that one right there. I’m glad you all got a chance to see it.
All right, let’s see what we got. Just under 140 yards. I was mentioning on the tee that Mike Strantz always has strategy, so I’m close to the water, left edge of the fairway. That was an aggressive tee shot. What that does, it gives me a flatter lie and a much better angle to this green. You got a bunch of room over there to the right, but if you hit to the right, you’re going to have a big side hill lie. So there’s always strategy here at True Blue and really any Mike Strantz golf course.
That’s got to get up. Get up. Oh, that was perfect all the way. She’s dry. This heavy dew will be a good chance to see how much this putt’s going to break. I got it out there about three feet. The dew will tell us if I’m right or wrong. Oh, I did everything but hit it. Look at the little dew track there. We’ll have a little track here too. I hate three putting. See, look at the dew track. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, everything was good. I just didn’t hit it. This one right here, I had to start at a cup out on the left. I started at the right edge. That is 100% stink right there. Mark me down for a bogey. Still a beautiful hole, though.
Mike Strantz kept me honest on this one. Can he do it again next door? You’ll want to check out the next episode to find out.